Friday, March 28, 2008

The Power of 10

Last summer a group of people with a common commitment to empowering and inspiring others got together to make a movie. Many are experts in the field of personal and social transformation. Some were like-minded investors. Others were everyday people, simply wanting to contribute.

All were moved by films like "The Secret," and "What the Bleep" -- but thought there was even more to be said on the subjects of manifesting abundance and creating a world that works for everyone. So, they pooled their expertise, time and money to make a bold new documentary film with an equally bold title: THE ANSWER To Absolutely Everything.
Central to our message is sharing inspiration and wisdom to raise the level of consciousness for millions. The law of cause and effect, while coming from abundance, can jump start miraculous outcomes that comes back to you ten-fold. A gift contained in this letter can be downloaded for FREE and shared with numerous friends who can do the same. The spiral effect from passing on the insights in THE ANSWER can ultimately make a difference for everyone.

While the title may be "tongue in cheek," the message is profoundly powerful. It's filled with compelling stories that warm the heart, including Steve Peifer, CNN's 2007 Hero Award winner.

Screenings happened around the world within the first few weeks of release, through a grassroots effort. The film has now been translated into several languages and distributed internationally. And it continues to sell briskly wherever it is shown. The movie's makers also "walk their talk," and keep the promise to share portions of their profits to worthy humanitarian causes.

The growing ANSWER community invites you to join all of us in a new commitment. Harnessing the power of the Internet we are intent on having the movie touch the lives of millions of people over the next few weeks -- through a "say-it-forward" online initiative we're calling THE POWER OF TEN.

If just 100 committed people share this letter and the link below to THE ANSWER's eight-minute online preview with 10 others, it will reach 1000 people. If each of them share it with 10 others it will touch the lives of 10,000. Two more rounds of each recipient sharing 10 and it touches 1,000,000 lives!

Click the link below and experience an 8 minute excerpt of THE ANSWER for yourself. If you are as moved and inspired as I and others have been simply forward this letter and link to ten other people in your life.

In the spirit of generosity, we acknowledge your commitment to people and for participating in the POWER OF TEN Initiative with a special gift. Simply click here for a FREE mp3 audio download of Jim Earl and Ray Blanchard's "Organize Yourself for Success."

Check the counter on the preview page to monitor the numbers of lives you're impacting.

Thanks for BEING THE ANSWER in other people's lives!


Living the Law LLC

2852 Willamette Street #241
Eugene, OR