Friday, September 07, 2007

Can we really live a life without limits?

Can we really live a life without limits? I wonder if we would really want to.

On the one hand it offers an infinite stream of possibilities. We can see all the good that we can bring about living a life without limits.

On the other hand I am minded of the story of Aleister Crowley and his "Do as/what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law".

All the positive things we can see around us today, what we are, the good that is in us, is because of guided creativity.

Creativity is the bringing into being of that which was not there before. We cannot create something that is already created -- that would be replication not creation.

But what of creativity without a purpose, a higher purpose, a nobler purpose, what of creativity for the sake of creativity?

What then is cancer if not creativity gone mad?

Perhaps there is something to the notion of duality? When talking about duality one of the more obvious things to talk about is the duality of good and evil. Another is talking about law and chaos where Chaos is the creative force in the universe and Law is the guiding force, the limits that it sets on how Chaos may express itself and to what end it may express itself.

Limits, purpose, goals.... and within those the ability to leverage and maximize every situation to bring about the greatest good, whatever we define that good to be.

Or, do as/what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law?

With great power comes great responsibility. Mother Theresa? Or Hitler? I stick my neck out in raising this question, perhaps but it will take greater minds that my own simple one to answer this I think.

Jeffery Seow

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