Sunday, July 15, 2012

Thank you Dr Chandra Muzaffar. You are right. What we are concerned about is that our hard-earned tax dollars are not wasted and that real problems get solved!

Thank you Dr Chandra Muzaffar. You are right. We the rakyat really don't care how one group of politicians rubbish another group of politicians. What we are concerned about is that our hard-earned tax dollars are not wasted and that real problems get solved! I don't care if problems are seen to be solved. I want them solved, whether they appear to be or not. Getting rid of corruption and underhanded dealing is the first step but there is so much more to do, not least of which is addressing the problem of poverty. And I think there is waaaaaay too much rural to urban migration. The building of additional residential property and improving infrastructure addresses the symptom not the cause. I want to see more even development across the nation so that rural to urban migration will be deemed unnecessary by the rakyat because they can get good jobs and career development without having to leave their home states the way I had to back in '83. So, whether you are one party or another, be forewarned, you have a whole lot on your plate to deal with. My primary 4 teacher used to tell us, don't trouble the trouble or the trouble will come to trouble you. Those were wise words from a primary school teacher of St. Xavier's Institution, Penang. Learn from them!

Combating corruption beyond party politics

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